Letting it Go
This podcast discusses how we can release ideas and endeavors that don’t feel like they are right for us anymore, without shame or fear.
This podcast discusses how we can release ideas and endeavors that don’t feel like they are right for us anymore, without shame or fear.
This podcast looks at the ideas in this song as a metaphorical guide to life.
This podcast discusses the importance of consciously listening to others and mostly to God.
This podcast discusses how we can get away from “our” story and find healing, direction, and peace.
This podcast shares some ideas on taking a spiritual approach to Valentine’s Day.
This podcast discusses how our spiritually backed optimism can make a positive difference in the world.
This podcast discusses how to wake up to new ideas when we feel our well has run dry.
This podcast discusses some vital ideas shared by Martin Luther King, Jr, their connection to spiritual Truth, and how we can bring these ideas into practical use today.
This podcast discusses how not to be hypnotized by troubles in the world or in our lives and how to instead stay awake to good and perpetuate it.
This podcast discusses how we can be awake and ready for blessings in this brand new year.
This podcast discusses how we can find a little heaven in the simple pleasures of life.
This podcast discusses how to feel Christmas more deeply, and to be receptive to uplift and peace in each moment.
This podcast discusses how we can take our lives one day at a time, appreciating what each day has to offer and being awake to surprises, resolution, peace.
This podcast discusses how we can find and share a sense of peace, actively and powerfully.
This podcast discusses the idea of our spiritual wholeness and how its discovery can be healing.
This podcast discusses how we can be thankful and discover the light that heals.
This podcast discusses how speaking and acting with kindness is right, powerful, and healing.
This podcast discusses a spiritual way to look at elections.
This podcast gives some thoughts on feeling safety, protection, and strength in times of trouble and when we feel afraid.
This podcast discusses how we can change our thought, at any time, and improve our experience.
This podcast discusses how we can learn through our experiences in a way that is right and progressive overall.
This podcast discusses how actively counting our blessings can bring us peace and uplift when we need it.
This podcast discusses how we can awake from a sense of loss to a truer sense of completeness and peace.
This podcast discusses how we are capable of accomplishing more than we may think.
This podcast discusses how we can clothe ourselves with spiritual qualities and achieve a true sense of daily success and impact.
This podcast discusses how we can see ourselves as one family, as brothers and sisters, as God’s children.
This podcast discusses how what feel like repeated experiences or lessons, can bring fresh insights.
This podcast discusses our spiritual heritage as heirs of God.
This podcast discusses how a reliance on God can help set us free.
This podcast discusses the value of deliberate silence in awakening us to Truth and finding peace.
This podcast discusses how we can let go of outlining and predicting what’s ahead for us, and release to a higher purpose and outcomes.
This podcast discusses anger and how we can release it and find more peace around us and within us.
This podcast discusses how to discover our worthiness, and how knowing it can satisfy us and help us make a positive impact in our world.
This podcast discusses how we can be non-conformists by conforming more with God’s beautiful and just-right and satisfying definition of who we are.
This podcast discusses how we can’t let another take our joy from us. It’s God-given and available.
This podcast discusses how to truly feel beautiful by turning to its Source and claiming our natural loveliness.
This podcast discusses the presence of Truth and Love in each of us and how we can come to accept and feel it.
This podcast discusses the idea of salvation and how we can be ready to experience it every day.
This podcast discusses why it can be important and healing to choose to love deliberately, with thoughtful intention.
This podcast discusses how we can learn to trust more and to be more open to God’s love and goodness in our lives.
This podcast discusses the importance of praise and the freedom it brings us in lives and our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses the advantages of taking things one step at a time, calmly and with trust.
This podcast discusses how to wake up and see the beauty and goodness around us in spite of what may seem troubling, bringing light to our lives and to others.
This podcast discusses how we can stay faithful and trusting when times seem challenging.
This podcast discusses how we can feel more energy and purpose when needed as we look to our motives.
This podcast discusses the resurrection and how we all can stop focusing on the tomb and start seeing and experiencing renewal and progress.
This podcast discusses some ideas about the quality of meekness and how it can benefit us to pursue it in our lives.
This podcast discusses how to listen for true wisdom rather than relying on human expertise.
This podcast discusses some ways to think about time spiritually that can be more freeing and inspiring and progressive for our lives.
This podcast discusses how to be alert to our strengths and vulnerabilities and to gain a greater sense of ourselves and our true purpose and potential.
This podcast discusses how discovering our true selves allows us to live with purpose, honesty, and power.
This podcast discusses how we can uncover and dissolve conscious or unconscious fears and find freedom and confidence in life.
This podcast discusses how to become aware of and appreciative of our progress and so advance more in our lives and in our awareness of who we are.
This podcast shares some ideas on dealing with self-doubt.
This podcasts discusses how to listen for the leadings of Truth and to follow with willingness and eagerness, like the disciples did.
This podcast discusses one of MLK’s stirring quotes, impelling us to the right kind of radical action. (*Image by Gordon Johnson)
This podcast discusses how being attuned to our spiritual senses and listening to them can wake us up to good and progress in our lives.
This podcast discusses how to stop looking to blame or for causes, and instead be ready to see infinite possibilities revealed.
This podcast discusses how to enter into our new year beholding the new, the good that God has in store for each of us.
This podcast discusses how we can feel the true Spirit of Christmas this year.
This podcast discusses how to take Jesus as our model and step away, into “the wilderness” to listen, pray, refresh.
This podcast discusses how turning to God can help us meet our daily needs and how we can release a sense of neediness to claim our own completeness and the generosity that brings.
This podcast discusses how we can, like David, defeat the Goliaths in our lives–those challenges that seem large and threatening–by bringing them down to size.
This podcast discusses the blessing of giving even when we don’t expect to receive thanks.
This podcast discusses how we can be ready for new opportunities and gain new insights from past experiences.
This podcast discusses how we can take our time and appreciate the ongoing answers and ideas that come to us, without rushing and missing out on the good.
This podcast discusses how we can respond more thoughtfully to the news and find peace and inspiration that can have a more positive impact.
This podcast discusses how resetting our thinking can help clear out false messages and get us moving forward in our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses the idea of destiny and our divine purpose.
This podcasts discusses how to focus on common ground and to expand our sense of our unity with one another as fellow children of God.
This podcast discusses how having spiritual vision can promote a better and more meaningful life for ourselves and our world.
This podcast discusses how we can actively seek beauty, see its source, and feel more alive and inspired.
This podcast offers a spiritual approach to multitasking by learning to trust more.
This podcast discusses how we can advance in our divine purpose both by fighting and by surrendering.
This podcast discusses how we can walk forward step by step, without fear or hesitation.
This podcast discusses how we can rely on God to save another and ourselves from challenges on our unique journeys.
This podcast discusses how we can be open to new things, even if they aren’t exactly what we imagined.
This podcast discusses some thoughts on how to reach “the promised land” in our experience today. Link to quoted article: https://sentinel.christianscience.com/shared/view/1x7y5xhy2ig?s=copylink
This podcast discusses spiritual solutions to feeling stuck in our thinking and circumstances.
This podcast discusses how the ebbs and flows of life, the feast and famine times, can all be meaningful when we change our pespective.
This podcast discusses what it means to be daring, and how doing so can help move us forward in our purpose and bring more light to our world.
This podcast discusses how we can treat others with more understanding toward their human errors, and uplift our own lives through divine Love.
This podcast discusses a spiritual approach to life that awakens us to abundance–progressive prosperity every day.
This podcast looks at how we can allow God’s mercy and love to cleanse us of past mistakes and set us free to move progressively forward in our lives.
This podcast discusses how we can approach cleaning out our consciousness, removing what doesn’t really belong there and making room for good.
This podcast discusses how to recognize your own inner convictions and stay true to them in the face of peer pressure and the opinions of the world.
This podcast discusses how to cherish what we have to give and to live in each golden moment.
This podcasts talks about how we can add conviction and expectation to our prayers and experiences.
This podcast discusses how to let go, push less, and feel more freedom and progress by releasing to Life’s currents.
This podcasts discusses how to think of ourselves in a more true, powerful, and inspired way.
This podcasts discusses taking new perspectives on events in our lives and seeing a purpose beyond the expected ones.
This podcast discusses ways to approach prayer and how it can be powerful and healing.
This podcast discusses the joy and healing power of witnessing good in others and around us.
This podcast discusses how we can celebrate Easter with a resurrected mindset and renewed vision.
This podcast discusses success and spiritual methods for achieving it.
This podcast discusses how we can cherish spring and its spiritual meaning for our lives.
This podcast takes a spiritual perspective on the idea of luck or chance versus our natural blessedness.
This podcast discusses how we can be inspired by others, but also honor our unique contributions.
This podcast discusses discovering and claiming our true spiritual identity.
This podcast discusses authentic expression and fresh discoveries, praising and progressing.
This podcast discusses how to replace the thoughts of resignation to circumstances with a more healing idea that opens up possibilities.
This podcast discusses how to release judgment on oneself and find our innate worthiness and natural spiritual progress.
This podcast discusses the story of Nicodemus and how it can inspire us in gaining spiritual understanding and becoming ready to share it with others freely.
This podcast discusses how we can set up helpful “waymarks” on our journey, navigating life and making progress spiritually.
This podcast shares ideas about hearing a calm, assuring voice even in times of turmoil or fear.
This podcast discusses how to approach our days with expectation of good, no matter what day it is.
This podcast discusses way to refresh our sense of purpose spiritually in the new year.
This podcast discusses how to reflect on our past year and perpetuate the good into the new year.
This podcast discusses how we can be more childlike at Christmas and throughout the year and experience more joy and uplift.
This podcast discusses how we can come out of the shadows and into the light for a more meaningful and authentic life.
This podcasts discusses how we can let go of a limited sense of ourselves and of life and be more confident and willing to trust in good and its unfolding.
This podcast discusses the quality of innocence and the power of reclaiming it.
This podcasts shares some thoughts about Black Friday and how to continue with thanksgiving and peace.
This podcast discusses the power of giving gratitude in advance of seeing the blessings we may seek.
This podcast discusses reframing moments by stepping back with new perspectives.
This podcast discusses taking a thoughtful and spiritual view of elections.
This podcasts discusses discovering and utilizing our natural joy even in times of trial and darkness.
This podcast discusses the idea of duty and how it can be natural, freeing, satisfying.
This podcast discusses how we can trust that answers can be revealed, even if we don’t immediately see them.
This podcast discusses our ability to do what is needed and progress in each moment with what we have and who we are.
This podcast discusses how to be open to fresh inspiration, expectation, and newness each day.
This podcast discusses the importance of fidelity–commitment and conviction without pride or stubbornness.
This podcast discusses how to begin to leave the past behind and look ahead with expectation and joy.
This podcast discusses how we can discover more of heaven on earth.
This podcast discusses how we can remain undisturbed amid turmoil and trials.
This podcast looks at how we can persist with angel ideas until the truly bless us.
This podcast discusses the joys of being willing to accept more good in our lives rather than resigning ourselves to less.
This podcast discusses what “perfect love” means and how it can cast out fear.
This podcast discusses how to appreciate small moments and actions for the greater qualities they express.
This podcast discusses the steady foundation we have in times of change or uncertainty.
This podcast discusses how to take a brighter and more healing approach in our lives and for our world.
This podcast discusses how thinking about experiences in terms of giving rather than getting can help us feel more freedom, peace, and purpose.
This podcast discusses how we can feel ready and worthy in this moment, no matter how we arrived at it.
This podcasts discusses diversity–that around us and in us–and how appreciating it can enrich us.
This podcast discusses how we can look to our intentions and motives and realize the impact each moment of good can have and the satisfaction it can bring.
This podcast discusses the quality of courage and how to discover and utilize it to face challenges.
This podcast discusses how healing it can be to give others the benefit of the doubt rather than presuming the worst or lacking trust.
This podcast discusses how to treat ourselves better, be our own best friends, listening to a higher and kinder view of who we truly are.
This podcast discusses important aspects of spiritual progress, growth in grace and character.
This podcast discusses the quality of motherhood, its presence and beauty and power.
This podcast discusses how we can sacrifice what isn’t working for us and gain the pearl of great price, real peace and satisfaction and progress.
This podcast discusses the advantages of relying more on spiritual direction than on human will.
This podcast discusses how we can think about Easter in a way that impacts our lives today.
This podcast discusses how to believe in the good you bring to the world, even if you don’t always hear validation from others.
This podcast discusses some ideas for how to live more happily.
This podcast discusses how spring can help awaken us to renewal around us and in us.
This podcast discusses how to care for the self by caring for the soul.
This podcast discusses the power of keeping things simple.
This podcast discusses how to use our spiritual senses to give us a better and more healing perspective on reality.
This podcast discusses how we can be vigilant and so experience more freedom and peace and bring that light to the darkness in the world as well.
This podcast discusses how to enjoy our moments with a sense of freedom from outlining and limiting them.
This podcast discusses how we can start with believing and achieve with more meaning and purpose and poise and peace.
This podcast discusses how to experience days that seem the same in a new way and feel progress and peace.
This podcast discusses how we can recognize and cultivate our connection with one another and with our loving Source.
This podcast discusses how God, Divine Love, takes us “all the way” in our lives, no matter what seems to hinder us.
This podcast talks about how we can be inspired by others without feeling competitive.
This podcast talks about how we can come into the New Year with a view that is expectant and healing.
This podcast discusses how we can treasure our spiritual gifts this season and share them more freely and joyously.
This podcast discusses the benefits of filling your thought with good things and ways to do that.
This podcast discusses the feeling of fulfillment and how better to discover that feeling in each day.
This podcast discusses how to be a witness in a way that brings light to the world and our own lives.
This podcast discusses the value of gratitude and how it brings other virtues to light.
This podcast discusses discovering and utilizing our natural spiritual integrity.
This podcast discusses how looking at the way in which we approach things, our motives especially, can help us feel more at peace with what we are doing and experience progress as well.
This podcast discusses Truth, how to better discern what is true and what is not.
This podcast discusses fear and ways to find freedom from its hold on us.
This podcast discusses how we are each unique, valuable, and needed, and how to express ourselves more freely and genuinely.
This podcast discusses the qualities of home and how to feel and cherish them anywhere.
This podcast discusses the importance of taking a pause, listening for inspiration, before moving forward with our decisions and actions.
This podcast discusses the power of taking time for contemplation.
This podcast discusses the power and possibility of forgiveness.
This podcast discusses the idea of divine Love and its presence and power.
This podcast discusses how we can have a healing influence by being conscious of our thinking and beginning with Love.
This podcast discusses how to realize our truest self and stay true to our genuine and amazing identity.
This podcast shares some ideas on the power of staying present and grateful and how it can make our lives more free and happy.
This podcasts discusses how perceptions can help define your experiences. Notes: Full interview with Billy Mills on NPR can be found here: https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2021/07/29/billy-mills-1964-tokyo-olympics
This podcast discusses the fear of missing out and how to be more present with and appreciative of one’s own life.
This podcast discusses how to be more open to new ideas, inspiration, and ways of thinking and acting that bring us more productivity and well-being.
This podcast discusses our spiritual makeup and how more awareness of these qualities in us can help us feel healthier, happier, and more peaceful.
This podcast discusses how to recognize the liar’s voice and accept Truth’s encouraging voice.
This podcast encourages spiritual discovery and exploration to realize your divine purpose and live more in accord with it.
This podcasts shares some thoughts on how to awaken to and claim your own unique brilliance.
This podcast discusses freedom and its power for us to celebrate every day.
This podcast discusses how we can have an impact on the world by starting with ourselves.
This podcast shares some thoughts on how we can recognize and utilize the light within us to make a difference and to experience more fully our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses the idea of being buoyant and how this can help us move forward in our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses focusing on our lives with different perspectives and discovering more about our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses ways to achieve our goals with humility, trust, and spiritual confidence.
This podcast explores the importance of right input as a way toward growth and true productivity.
This podcast addresses a feeling of randomness in our experience and how we can find more stability and security in our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses finding our way in the dark, looking to a reliable constant to guide us.
This podcast discusses how we can address a belief in our inferiority to others and make progress in our divine purpose.
This podcast asks us this question helping us hone in our values and how best to serve them and our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses how to start fresh in each moment, to listen for new inspiration with humility and receptivity.
This podcast discusses the idea of resurrection and how it applies to our daily experience.
This podcast discusses awareness of and gratitude for the little things in our experience and the true significance of them.
This podcast discusses how we can benefit by focusing on the good news, the gospel, rather than getting captivated by bad news.
This podcast revisits some key insights about our divine purpose shared on this podcast.
This podcast discusses how walking into the wind, facing challenges, can bring refreshment and renewal. (See the definition for uitwaaien in the dictionary).
This podcast discusses the quality of reverence and awakening to its healing effect in our lives.
This podcast discusses how to resist the temptation to take the bait when tempted or provoked.
This podcast discusses how seeking light and truth can bring us more freedom in our lives today.
This podcast discusses how we can come back to an old idea with a renewed sense of love.
This podcast discusses the idea of our own majesty and how to claim and live it.
This podcast explores ways to begin to release fear and find more peace in our lives.
This podcast discusses the spiritual nature of authenticity and its power in our lives.
This podcast discusses some spiritual ways to approach the new year.
This podcast discusses how to reflect on the spirit of Christmas this year with fresh hope and love.
This podcast discusses the quality of gentleness and how we can utilize it to benefit others and ourselves.
This podcast discusses some ways to be more creative when we are feeling blocked or uninspired.
This podcast discusses how to deal with uncertainty and experience more peace and progress.
This podcast discusses the importance of sustaining gratitude and feel and share its blessings.
This podcast talks about how warming up each morning, including our spiritual muscles, can make for a day with more freedom and less vulnerability.
This podcast discusses how to change our mindset in order to find solutions rather than feel overwhelmed by problems.
This podcast discusses what true success really means and how to realize it in our daily lives.
This podcast discusses how to find a calm within when anxiety comes, and to bring that peace into our lives.
This podcast discusses the concept of unity and shares some ideas on how to discover its presence more in our lives and in our world.
This podcast discusses tension and how to find release from its effects on mind and body.
This podcast discusses how to take a spiritual approach to divisiveness with a focus on community.
This podcast reminds us of our true heritage as children of light, and encourages us to shine that light freely and generously.
This podcasts reminds us how to hear and trust our own inner calling to find more joy and less anxiety in life.
This podcast gives some insights into dealing with “the unknown” in a more fruitful way.
This podcast gives some insights into how to revive your enthusiasm when it feels lacking.
This podcast discusses that “Secret Place” with God that is healing and brings peace and comfort to us and to others.
This podcast discusses how to better appreciate our own spiritual identity and that of others.
This podcast discusses how we each have special gifts to cherish and use, helping to fulfill our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses how we can collaborate successfully with others taking a spiritual approach to teamwork.
This podcast discusses spiritual sensitivity and how it can bring us more peace and productivity.
This podcast discusses how to be true to ourselves and live our divine purpose more freely and joyfully.
This podcast encourages us to celebrate the Christmas spirit today, even in the middle of the summer and in the midst of trials.
This podcast discusses how to engage regularly in spiritual exercises with healing results.
This podcast discusses the value of dreaming even in hard times.
This podcast discusses ways to feel and express freedom, liberty, wherever we are, and to freely share with others as well.
This podcast discusses the idea of searching as a goal in itself, a satisfying outcome in our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses how to receive and enjoy a spiritual stimulus when we are feeling weary and depleted.
This podcast discusses how to be realistic in a way that is practical, hopeful, and constructive.
This podcast reminds us how to humble ourselves in times of challenge and to feel the strength that can bring to ourselves and in our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses spiritual poise–what it is and how we can claim it for ourselves and also help others.
This podcast offers ideas on how to be a comforter and to feel comforted ourselves.
This podcast shares some ideas about overcoming disappointment and feeling more freedom going forward.
This podcast talks about how we can successfully make changes in our approach or perspective, without losing our grounding.
This podcast discusses our natural and God-given resilience after trials.
This podcast discusses how we can feel truly prepared in our day to day life and as we walk forward in our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses how we can listen and take a step, the next right one, with confidence and trust.
This podcast discusses how we can have a resurrection in our thought, growing and progressing, even in times of trial.
This podcast discusses making the time to connect with God which can be reviving and healing.
This podcast discusses how we can shift out of the blame game and into blessing and feeling more blessed ourselves.
This podcast discusses how we can draw closer spiritually and powerfully in these days of social distancing.
This podcast discusses how being a sheep and trusting a higher power can be comforting and healing.
This podcast discusses ways to move through our experiences from “glory to glory” and to feel more progress and uplift in our lives.
This podcasts addresses how rationalizing may result in limiting ourselves unnecessarily and how to break that habit and set ourselves free for opportunity.
This podcast encourages using our spiritual imaginations in a way that brings to light more possibilities for our lives.
This podcast takes a look at some ways to think about love on Valentine’s Day.
This podcast discusses the importance and pleasure of being a peacemaker.
This podcast discusses how things work together progressively as we keep our intentions focused on good.
This podcast discusses the importance and power of readiness.
This podcast discusses how being kind to others and to ourselves can be powerful and satisfying.
This podcast discusses how to gain true confidence in your life in a way that blesses all.
This podcast shares some thoughts on how to know whether to stay where we are or to move on to something new.
This podcast offers some insights into going into our new year taking with us what is helpful and leaving behind the baggage that weighs us down.
This podcast discusses how to be alert to constant complaining and to discover more peace and joy to replace it.
This podcast discusses taking the time to cherish good things in our lives and to let go of those things that are not advancing us in our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses having faith and how this can bring peace and advance us in our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses how we can be grateful in our daily lives in a way that is disciplined and healing.
This podcast discusses discovering the balance of control and abandon and how that can serve us in our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses visionaries, and how our unique vision can be nurtured, cultivated, and have an impact on the world.
This podcast discusses how we can discover and express our true spiritual individuality, leading to more purposeful and peaceful living.
This podcast discusses the presence and power of divine love in our lives.
This podcast discusses how to shut down negative self-talk and to talk to yourself in a way that is productive and powerful.
This podcast discusses the law of progress and how it operates in our lives.
This podcast talks about how getting back to basics in our thinking can reveal healing and purpose in our lives.
This podcast discusses the power and peace of giving and receiving mercy.
This podcast discusses how blessing others can be powerful and healing.
This podcast discusses a true spirit of generosity and its benefits for us and for others.
This podcast discusses how we can be open to divine surprises on our spiritual journey and feel the blessings that provides.
This podcast discusses how to awaken to your blessings rather than wait for them to appear.
This podcast discusses how to find clarity in your divine purpose and day to day life and work.
This podcast discusses second opportunities, occasions to experience old things in fresh ways.
This podcast offers some insights on getting off track, trying new directions, and on coming home to our best selves.
This podcast discusses how we can use our unique voice freely and bring light to the world and goodness to our own lives as well.
This podcast shines a light on our wilderness experiences and how we can see them more clearly as fruitful and progressive.
This podcast discusses how we can dissolve anger and find true solutions that benefit us and others.
This podcast discusses how to make an escape from fear, worry, and other limitations, by a new perspective.
This podcast shares ideas about unfoldment–how we can release control and fear and experience natural progress and peace.
This podcast discusses ways to begin to enjoy more freedom in your life by starting with your thinking.
This podcast discusses how to bring the Golden Rule into your life for a more peaceful and freeing experience.
This podcast takes a look at how to own up to your true name and calling and about disowning the labels that can box you in.
This podcast discusses how trying new things can help renew our perspective and enhance or lives.
This podcast discusses some ideas about prayer and our unique and healing ways to communicate with God.
This podcast discusses how to release responsibility and serve others and ourselves better by doing so.
This podcast shares ideas on discovering that voice of calm in the midst of turmoil and using it to help us find our out of fear and into progress.
This podcast takes a look at doubt and how to gain answers, peace, and confidence.
This podcasts shares ideas about humility as well as self-worth in our experiences and accomplishments.
This podcast explores how commitment can help us move forward in our lives and help us begin to experience our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses how we can approach things with a sense of fun that eases fear and clears the way for success and satisfaction.
This podcast discusses our natural dominion and how claiming and expressing it can help us live with more confidence, control, and peace.
This podcast discusses the quality of empathy and how it can help us in experiencing more fully our divine purpose.
This 100th episode discusses how to re-ignite the flame of your passion when we feel unmotivated or uncertain or uninspired.
This podcast discusses how apologizing and justifying can hinder our advancing in our divine purpose, and how to rectify that!
This podcast discusses how we can gain a more heavenly experience by being more childlike.
This podcast discusses a true sense of belonging, wherever we are!
This podcast shares some thoughts on how to stop second-guessing ourselves and instead reflect on the good and so progress in our divine purpose.
This podcast takes another look at the power of changing your perspective.
This podcast focuses on recognizing, spiritually, where we are and the power, peace, and joy that can bring to our lives.
This podcast discusses ways to respond in situations in a way that is healing and helpful to us and to others.
This podcast discusses how to be true to our divine purpose, be an original, and be inspired by others as well.
This podcast focuses on how we can honor our uniqueness and live more freely and fruitfully, and still feel supported and secure.
This podcast discusses ways a lighter perspective can enlighten and uplift us in our lives and bring more power our purpose as well.
In this podcast, we discuss the idea of focusing on a word, a theme, for our coming year that can help move us forward in our divine purpose.
As we head into a new year, we discuss how expecting grace in this moment can help us fulfill our divine purpose.
This podcast discusses the topic of reverence and how we can benefit by bringing this into our holidays.
This podcast explores ideas about walking away from things that no longer serve us or our divine purpose, and toward those that do.
This podcast discusses how we can approach the overwhelm and confusion about completing something or reaching a goal by changing our focus.
This podcast sheds some light on discovering who you really are and what that means for your divine purpose.
This podcast explores how to turn on that gratitude light switch and behold more blessings in our lives.
This podcast discusses the topic of quality vs. quantity, and how we can find more richness by focusing on spiritual qualities over numbers.
This podcast gives insights on the healing importance of choosing to love, not hate, bless, not blame.
This podcast gives some spiritual insights on discovering a more balanced state of being, utilizing our natural masculine and feminine qualities.
This podcast takes a look at ways to break through that feeling of helplessness by asking, ‘What CAN I do?”
This podcast discusses what it means to live “poetically” and why this is important to you and your divine purpose.
This podcast takes a look at how we can manage time from a more spiritual perspective.
This podcast looks at the importance of forgiving and gives some tips to get started on this healing activity.
This podcast discusses how we can trust ourselves and our inner intuition to guide us in our life and in our divine purpose.
This podcast looks at how doing the right thing can end up being more satisfying than doing what we want or think we want.
This podcast explores some ideas that can help guide us out of a rut, whether it be circumstances or entrenched patterns of thought that aren’t serving us well.
This podcast focuses on how to stop analyzing and agonizing over our lives and start to appreciate experiences, without pressure and with spiritual progress.
This podcast gives some tips on how to change our mindset in the morning to one that invites in a happy and productive day.
This podcast looks at those limiting beliefs about what we deserve in our lives, and to begin to see what we truly deserve and how to claim and live it.
This podcast discusses how we can answer that question and live our divine purpose even more with each passing year.
This podcast takes a look at human perfectionism versus spiritual perfection and how this awareness can help us discover and live our divine purpose more freely and confidently.
This podcast gets us thinking about what we’d like our legacy to be, and how to begin to live it today.
This podcast explores these three “R”s and shares thoughts on moving forward in our divine purpose progressively and freely!
This podcast sheds light on how we can get out of comfort zone and do it with assurance, safety, and success.
This podcast focuses on how helping others, both in deeds and in thought, can help bring healing in our own lives.
This episode discusses how we can find out more about ourselves through our human and spiritual roots.
This podcast looks at achieving our divine purpose through striving and straining, versus through the power of grace.
This podcast shares ways we can discover and utilize true wisdom in our day to day lives and in finding our divine purpose.
This podcast shares ideas on how to discover your true power and to achieve your divine purpose!
This podcast shares how powerful it can be to embrace the challenges and to gain strength, clarity, and define your divine purpose.
This podcast discusses the common issue of needing validation and a more spiritual and healthy approach to receiving it and also giving it, when needed.
This podcast shines a light on mere busy-ness as opposed to real productivity.
This podcast talks about how we can all be pioneers, discovering and exploring new horizons that resonate with our divine purpose.
Explore this idea about moving our own lives forward and passing that spirit along to others productively.
This podcast discusses the idea of success and how we measure it and achieve it.
This podcasts gives tips for navigating changes in our lives, whether by choice or by chance.
This podcast discusses ways to break habits and to experience more freedom.
This podcast gives some tips on dealing with criticism and actually using it to advance in your divine purpose.
In this Easter season, we explore how we can gain a new perspective on our own lives by reflecting on the resurrection.
Some tips to looking at mistakes in a different light and moving forward with more peace and freedom.
This podcast shares some ideas to lift blocks on our creativity and productivity.
This podcast shares some ideas about how surrendering can help us live a more peaceful and purposeful life!
This podcast discusses how to give fear the boot, no matter what your age, and begin to live a powerful, purposeful, poetic, and satisfying life.
Discover how to be true to yourself, without limiting your opportunities for a purposeful and satisfying life.
This podcast discusses how to get ourselves moving forward when we are feeling unmotivated.
This podcast looks at the importance of focusing on our “working out our own salvation” and how this brings our true purpose to light and helps others as well.
This podcast discusses how to experience the goodness of the present and how that promotes progress and success in our lives.
This podcast provides ideas on how to distinguish angel voices from the devils that would distract us from really living our divine purpose, and feeling free and happy.
In this podcast, we discuss how to discover what really lights you up, makes you come alive, and changes the world as well.
This podcast discusses the freedom and power that comes from giving up the belief that we have to know it all, and being ready to learn more each day.
This podcast discusses how our motives can help guide us to actions that are more fruitful and satisfying and aligned with our divine purpose.
This podcast has some reminders for staying focused on your own progress and not compare your journey with others.
This podcast offers some ideas about making resolutions for the New Year from a more spiritual basis.
In this week’s podcast, we share some tips to living a fuller and freer and more powerful life.
This holiday season, why not receive the gift of self-respect? We discuss how to do that and why it is so important for all of us.
When we have a decision to make and are struggling, there are some ways to get an answer, and one that feels inspired and right. This podcast shares some tips.
In celebration of the Thanksgiving season, this week we discuss the power of gratitude and of giving.
This week’s podcast discusses how to stop taking things personally and why this is such a freeing thing to do.
This podcast takes a look at how to handle resistance through persistence, and to recognize the true value of both of these qualities in discovering and living your divine purpose.
This podcast shares some ideas on how to discover and live a more balanced life.
This podcast explores how we can change our story and live more purposefully and happily. Every day gives us a fresh opportunity. Listen in!
This podcast takes a look at how we can discover more about our divine purpose by being willing to learn from others. We start with some wonderful quotes on the topic and share insights to encourage us to be awake to being a student ready to be taught!