How to Walk Away and Walk Toward
This podcast explores ideas about walking away from things that no longer serve us or our divine purpose, and toward those that do.
This podcast explores ideas about walking away from things that no longer serve us or our divine purpose, and toward those that do.
This podcast discusses how we can approach the overwhelm and confusion about completing something or reaching a goal by changing our focus.
This podcast sheds some light on discovering who you really are and what that means for your divine purpose.
This podcast explores how to turn on that gratitude light switch and behold more blessings in our lives.
This podcast discusses the topic of quality vs. quantity, and how we can find more richness by focusing on spiritual qualities over numbers.
This podcast gives insights on the healing importance of choosing to love, not hate, bless, not blame.
This podcast gives some spiritual insights on discovering a more balanced state of being, utilizing our natural masculine and feminine qualities.
This podcast takes a look at ways to break through that feeling of helplessness by asking, ‘What CAN I do?”
This podcast discusses what it means to live “poetically” and why this is important to you and your divine purpose.
This podcast takes a look at how we can manage time from a more spiritual perspective.